Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International is a non-profit , non governmental and non political organisation, registered in Nigeria. PLEII uses good practice approach to enhance peace and life for development, productivity and sustainability purpose through her programmes in the soiety. PLEII unwavering dedication and passion for development and its sustainability focuses on 5 thematic areas that is associated with peace in the society and life of individuals in the community; Social and Public Health, Education and Skills Developmnet Programmes, Poverty Eradication Programmes, Gender Advocacy, Peace, Human Rights Awareness and Good Governance. PLEII believes that, a peaaceful environment does not only encourage development, it also determines its sustainnability, and life if well enhanced, will live longer, stronger and think rightly to increase productivity and development.
Our Mission To tackle poverty and increase productivity through the provision of peace and life enhancing services to the people
Our Vision To ehnance a healthy people, nature endowment and individual's hope. |
.Our Goal
Achieving positive transformation of the people.
.Our Aims and Objectives
(i) To promote and enhance peace and unity in the societies.
(ii) To support the governments and societies in developing the youths and the children.
(iii) To Provide health assistance to the community and care fot the less privileged.
(iv) To provide, organize serminars, talk-shows, symposium and workshops on issues related to Health, Education, Peace and Agriculture.
(v) To organize adult literacy programme and vocational training programme.
(vi) To sensitize and mobilize women to assert their fundamental human rights.
(vii) To facilitate, Mobilize, train and enhance community policing to compliment the service of the security agencies.
(viii) To lobby and advocate for the active participation and involvement of women and the physically challenged people in the development processess in the country.
(ix) To enhance the Socio-economic situation of women in Nigeria.
.Our Focus
(a) Education and Health.
(b) Youth and Children.
(c) Research and Publication.
(d) Poverty Eradication Scheme.
(e) Peace, Good Governance and Social Development.
.Our Motivation
PLEII is motivated by the greatest commandment of God, "To Love Thy Neighbour as Thy Self". We believe all humans have got potentials in them, regardless of their gender, colour, continent, ethnicity or religious affiliation.
Our Difference
Our Beliefs
Our Values
They guide us in our decision-making and bind us together throughout the world, across great distances and many languages.
Our Ethics
PLEII pledges to serve, deliver and be transparent.